Marketing in the digital age has caught on like wildfire, and new forms are popping up across the internet in every corner of every webpage you can imagine! Whether you want to promote your business on streaming services, set up display ads on a popular mobile game, or advertise on industry-related websites and apps, we can help to implement these strategies to benefit you and your brand.



The world of digital marketing has grown wildly alongside the capabilities of the internet, allowing advertisers to put ads in places that you’d never expect! From online gaming platforms to streaming services, you can set up ads on almost any device or platform that’s connected to the internet. Depending on what your brand needs and who you want to target, we can help you spread the word about your products and services in many new and exciting ways. There are many different types of digital ads, but not every type works for every business. We have professional digital marketers on staff to guide clients through the process and choose which services benefit you the most. Working with account executives and clients, our digital marketing department can launch your business into the digital age.

           Developing a robust online presence is one of the most important things you can do as a business owner in the tech-centric world we live in. Whether you’re looking to develop ads for steaming services, place display ads on industry-related webpages, or target potential customers through in-app advertisement, our digital marketing department can get you where you need to be.

The world of digital marketing has grown wildly alongside the capabilities of the internet, allowing advertisers to put ads in places that you’d never expect! From online gaming platforms to streaming services, you can set up ads on almost any device or platform that’s connected to the internet. Depending on what your brand needs and who you want to target, we can help you spread the word about your products and services in many new and exciting ways. There are many different types of digital ads, but not every type works for every business. We have professional digital marketers on staff to guide clients through the process and choose which services benefit you the most. Working with account executives and clients, our digital marketing department can launch your business into the digital age.

Developing a robust online presence is one of the most important things you can do as a business owner in the tech-centric world we live in. Whether you’re looking to develop ads for steaming services, place display ads on industry-related webpages, or target potential customers through in-app advertisement, our digital marketing department can get you where you need to be. Need even more specific targeting options? We can do that, too! Through geo-fence targeting, re-targeting tactics, or simple keyworded search targeting, we can pinpoint your potential customers with ease.

Digital advertisements have changed the way that advertising works, and for the better! Now, it’s easier than ever to reach the right people at the right time and draw them into your business with the right messaging. Our digital marketing department works with account executives, clients, and other creatives to develop these fool-proof strategies to take your brand beyond what you thought possible. Incinerate the competition and let us stoke your brands’ fire with Burning Stick Creative.

Need even more specific targeting options? We can do that, too! Through geo-fence targeting, re-targeting tactics, or simple keyworded search targeting, we can pinpoint your potential customers with ease.

           Digital advertisements have changed the way that advertising works, and for the better! Now, it’s easier than ever to reach the right people at the right time and draw them into your business with the right messaging. Our digital marketing department works with account executives, clients, and other creatives to develop these fool-proof strategies to take your brand beyond what you thought possible. Incinerate the competition and let us stoke your brands’ fire with Burning Stick Creative.




Is Google Ads part of your digital marketing strategy?
Absolutely! Digital marketing is essential for any business in today’s technology-centric world, and Google Ads centralizes almost everything that your strategist will need to properly execute digital advertisements on Google. The fact that you can serve advertisements to people actively searching for a product or service is groundbreaking, making it easier than ever to reach your target audience. It is quite possibly the largest ad platform that has ever existed, so why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of it?!
What is AdWords in digital marketing?
Google AdWords, now known as Google Ads, is a pay-to-play system that allows businesses to display ads with a higher search ranking based on keywording. It is one of the most popular online marketing services, helping digital marketing specialists reach a specific audience – users searching for your specific keywords through Google’s native search bar – to generate website traffic and potential customers. The platform is pay-per-click, also called PPC, meaning you pay every time a visitor clicks on your ad from the search results.
What is the difference between SEO and Google Ads?
Search engine optimization is based on unpaid organic traffic across all search engines, while Google Ads is a pay-per-click service based strictly in Google search. SEO is a long-term investment and requires time to fully develop, but Google Ads can be implemented as soon as your ad is reviewed and approved. There are pros and cons on both sides, which is why they work best together! Combining both SEO and digital marketing gives your brand a more comprehensive advertising strategy to reach a wide target audience, leaving no potential customers behind!
How do I use Google Ads to market my product?
There are a ton of ways to utilize Google Ads to market your product, brand, or service! Because Google Ads is such a behemoth with multiple capabilities, there isn’t exactly one right way to do things. In short, the simplest way to advertise with Google Ads is to pick up the phone and call (337) 230-3623 to speak to an Account Executive at Burning Stick Creative! Our digital marketing specialists are well versed in Google Ads and all the different functions to make your campaign successful.
Is Facebook marketing or Google Ads better for a startup?
It depends on what your brand is and what you’re trying to accomplish! Most startups are new businesses that lack brand awareness and have limited marketing budgets, so you’ve got to get the most for your money. Both platforms offer pay-per-click (PPC) options, but the way they pinpoint your audience varies. Google heavily relies on search intent while Facebook uses demographics, interests, and locations to measure interest level. Google Ads are great if you have a product or service that people actively search for on Google, like an electrician, tree maintenance service, etc. Facebook, however, lets you target people passively based on their interests that the native algorithm has compiled.
How can I keep my Google Ads costs under control?
It can be difficult for the average business owner to monitor and adjust their digital marketing strategy on their own, especially If they don’t have experience with Google Ads. To reduce costs, you’ll need to narrow your scope to target the right people at the right time. The first step in reducing costs is to adjust your keywords, eliminating vague options and implementing “long-tail” keywords that use 4 or more words in a phrase. These keywords have less search volume, but you’re more likely to reach the right person than with a broad or generalized keyword list. You can also implement negative keywords, things you DON’T want to serve ads for! You can also improve your quality score with the search engine by ensuring that your ad is relevant and including keywords in descriptions/headlines. This is not a comprehensive list of things you can do to reduce your Google Ads cost, but it’s a good start!
Will Google Ads (PPC) help my SEO?
SEO improves your website ranking in search organically, while Google Ads is based on a pay-per-click system. The two work well together to increase visibility, but they don’t really interact as much as you’d think. Search engine optimization is more of a long game than digital advertisement, since it can take time to correctly enhance your website for search while digital ads can be implemented immediately. Investing in both strategies can significantly improve your online presence, creating a more comprehensive marketing strategy for your brand.
Are Google Ads expensive?
It depends on your competition. When there’s a lot of competition for ad space but a finite space to fill, the price-per-click on Google Ads can skyrocket. Industries like insurance and legal tend to be highly concentrated with much larger budgets, which can make the price jump to almost $60/click! That’s not even a conversion, that’s just someone visiting your website to learn more. For clients in these fields, you’ve got to get a little more creative when distributing their budget to get the most for your money. Other industries are much less competitive, and prices per click tend to hover between $1-$3 per click on average.
What are the different types of Google Ads?
Did you know that there are eight different types of Google Ads? That’s a lot! It can be difficult to know which type will work best for you, but most businesses will utilize just a few of the options at a time. The eight types of Google Ads include search ads, display ads, video ads, shopping ads, app promotion, smart ads, local ads, and discovery ads.
Search ads are text ads that can be found at the top of the Google search results page. Display ads are graphics-based ads that appear on websites. Video ads appear on video streaming platforms like YouTube. Shopping ads are product listings from the Google Shopping tab. App promotions are ads that encourage people to download an application. Smart ads are automated ads from web pages and Google. Local ads are served to customers within a particular geographic area. Discovery ads are a little more technical, serving ads with AI capabilities to learn the target audience.


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