Social Media has had the most profound effect on advertising and changed the way that every brand does business. In this world of limited characters, every letter counts! You might just have 140 characters to work with, but each should have a personality of its own. We make the most of every opportunity, breathing fire into a thought and telling your story the way you want it told.



Social media has changed the landscape of advertising and the way every brand does business. Our social department works closely with account executives and clients to create relevant content that goes straight to the consumer. Your social media can drive traffic to your website, generate leads, and create a meaningful connection with your viewers. Engaging with the audience through social media is one of the easiest ways to reach potential clients, through both organic content and paid opportunities. Though it may take time, staying engaged and highly visible on these platforms can turn your page into a qualified lead generator for your brand.

Visibility is the most important aspect of social media marketing and having an expert to develop a clear social strategy is key to maximizing the benefits from these platforms. Your brand can spread across social media like wildfire by improving brand recognition and visibility, increasing your search engine rankings, and driving more traffic to your page and website. Our social media

Social media has changed the landscape of advertising and the way every brand does business. Our social department works closely with account executives and clients to create relevant content that goes straight to the consumer. Your social media can drive traffic to your website, generate leads, and create a meaningful connection with your viewers. Engaging with the audience through social media is one of the easiest ways to reach potential clients, through both organic content and paid opportunities. Though it may take time, staying engaged and highly visible on these platforms can turn your page into a qualified lead generator for your brand.

Visibility is the most important aspect of social media marketing and having an expert to develop a clear social strategy is key to maximizing the benefits from these platforms. Your brand can spread across social media like wildfire by improving brand recognition and visibility, increasing your search engine rankings, and driving more traffic to your page and website. Our social media masterminds know how to reach your target audience within a dedicated budget without wasting time and resources. Each client receives detailed reporting, every month, to see how their ads are performing. These reports have graphs and charts to make these metrics easier to understand for the average business owner, so you can stay informed!

Social media marketing is one of the most exciting tools that brands can use to get their message out to the masses! Despite the ease of access to your potential customers, this method of marketing can be time-consuming when businesses try to manage them on their own. Our experts work on these platforms daily, and they know how to deliver your message! This saves you time, money, headache, and so much more! Trust the pros who know, and illuminate all the possibilities with Burning Stick Creative.

masterminds know how to reach your target audience within a dedicated budget without wasting time and resources. Each client receives detailed reporting, every month, to see how their ads are performing. These reports have graphs and charts to make these metrics easier to understand for the average business owner, so you can stay informed!

Social media marketing is one of the most exciting tools that brands can use to get their message out to the masses! Despite the ease of access to your potential customers, this method of marketing can be time-consuming when businesses try to manage them on their own. Our experts work on these platforms daily, and they know how to deliver your message! This saves you time, money, headache, and so much more! Trust the pros who know, and illuminate all the possibilities with Burning Stick Creative.




Is Google considered social media?
G+ {also called Google+ or GooglePlus) was Google’s most recent and possibly the most successful venture into social media, which was active from 2011 to 2019. They did have several other smaller attempts to break into the world of social, including Friends Connect from 2008-2012, Buzz from 2010-2011, and Orkut (exclusively in Brazil) from 2004 to 2014.
Currently, the services that Google provides are not considered social media. Instead, Google is categorized as a search engine along with Yahoo!, Bing,, and others.
Is social media marketing different from digital marketing?
Digital marketing is the umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of advertising, including social media marketing! At BSC, we have specific departments and specialists for both Digital and Social to ensure properly formatted campaigns that are customized for each platform. Because they’re related, digital marketing and social media marketing rely on similar statistics and reporting factors to determine success like click rates, impressions, conversions, and more.
What is the role of social media in marketing?
Social media has changed the game in marketing and advertising! It’s easier than ever to get the word out about your brand, but to do it effectively requires significant time commitments. Social media marketing provides businesses with a way to engage with clients and make an impression on potential customers. It also allows potential customers a chance to interact with your brand before any type of purchase, which helps them to better understand your business culture. If they like what they see, it becomes increasingly likely that they’ll turn to you and your brand when the time comes to initiate a transaction.
Why is social media marketing important for your business?
Social media is relationship-based, allowing your brand to interact and engage with other users to build trust. Once you’ve established trust with potential customers, it’s much easier to pitch to them as opposed to attempting a cold call.
How do you run ads on social media?
Hmm, we aren’t falling for this one (again)! You’ll just have to come in for a consultation to find out. You can reach us via the contact page or give us a call at 337-230-3623 for more information.
How fast can you start running an ad on social media?
You can start immediately, but getting results may take some time. Facebook, like other paid advertising platforms, may be slow to recognize you as a spending customer in their vast world of huge ad spends from larger companies. It can take weeks to several months for the platform to learn about your brand, your goals, and who your target audience is before really ramping up activity. You can still get traction in the learning phase, but it may not be as immediate if you’re just starting.
These social platforms will try to help you with the basics, but without a properly built campaign, you could find yourself getting less than what you should. Having a specialist who knows the intricacies of social media can help your brand get results within your budget. All our clients receive full reporting every month to help track your progress, with all the confusing statistics spelled out for you in an easy-to-understand document that shows you where exactly your budget is going.
Why would an ad get taken down on social media?
There are several reasons why an ad would be taken down or outrightly denied, including low-quality images, broken links, misleading information, high amounts of text in graphics, misappropriation of targeting features, repeated violations, and more. Most social media platforms have strict rules and guidelines for advertisers to follow. If you go against the rules, then the ad comes down or is never approved at all. It’s important to understand why your ads aren’t being approved or being taken down to avoid having your ad account suspended or even revoked completely.
Why is YouTube considered a social media platform?
It depends on who you ask! This question has been debated for quite some time, and most people are divided. We consider YouTube to be a social media platform because it includes an interactive interface like comments, likes, and shares that allow users to connect with each other and with creators. Others will argue that YouTube lacks direct or instant messaging features that most other social media platforms use. Because YouTube allows interaction between users and has sharing features, we find that it falls closer to TikTok and other video-sharing social channels.
Should you create content for YouTube or TikTok?
It depends on who your target audience is, and what you’re trying to present to them. If you want to appeal to a younger generation, can squeeze your content to fit within TikTok’s parameters, or rely on visuals – TikTok may be your answer! If you need to publish longer videos or require an older or more generalized audience – YouTube may work better for your brand.
The average length of a video on YouTube runs about 10 minutes and caps out at 12 hours, while a TikTok video may only be 15-20 seconds and have a maximum length of 3 minutes. YouTube also supports more than double the number of users than TikTok, but that gap is closing rapidly as TikTok becomes more popular.
What is the difference between an IM and DM?
Essentially, they’re both the same thing with different names. Depending on which platform you use depends on what they’re called, but both an IM and a DM (and even a PM!) function the same way. They’re both private conversations between users that are housed within a specific platform on the internet.
But if you want to get specific… An IM, or instant message, is often found on channels that are used primarily for messaging like Snapchat and WhatsApp. A DM, or direct message, can be considered more like a specialized email for a specific platform like Facebook. They both still function the same way, and more often than not the two terms are used interchangeably.
Should I start a social media profile for my business?
Absolutely! It’s indisputable that social media is important for businesses, especially in our digital world today. The better question is: which social media platform should I start for my business? To answer that question, we need to know what the end goal is. Are you looking to generate more qualified leads, establish brand awareness, and expand your reach? Is your brand visually based or do you deal with quantifiable data? All these things are discussed during your discovery meeting, which is the initial consultation where we learn about everything you need. Once we understand your brand, then we can direct you to the proper social media channels for your business.
Is Linkedin considered social media?
Yes! LinkedIn is one of the social media platforms available to businesses and individuals. However, results may vary because of a lower number of users compared to other platforms. Content also significantly differs, since LinkedIn is focused on the professional sphere rather than friends and family. While LinkedIn isn’t the most widely used channel for social media, certain industries can take advantage of the more formal version of well-known platforms like Facebook and Instagram.


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