Every business in the modern world needs a website to get the traffic they need for success. At Burning Stick Creative, we want to set your brand on fire with personalized web solutions tailored to fit your every need, including uniquely customized websites and web-based services. Our web department can handle your toughest problems and help provide answers to the biggest issues facing your business.



Your website is the central hub for your business! It’s usually the first impression that potential clients have from your company, and a bad website reflects poorly on you and the services you provide. Messy, disorganized, or otherwise just sad websites don’t get the traction that they need, not only from your potential customers but from search engines as well. To better enhance your online presence, you need a polished website that’s easy to navigate and packed with relevant information. Even if you need a simple landing page, your website needs to be clean and on-brand to attract the right customers. Our developers are leading experts in the field, ready to beautify your digital world. Working closely with account executives and clients, our web department can bring your dreams of the world wide web to life.

Our web developers and designers combine form and function to produce visually stunning websites that translate across all platforms, from desktop to mobile and everywhere in between. Building a functional website is essential for every business, but the job doesn’t end there. We also provide monthly maintenance and hosting services to eliminate downtime, improve security, and refresh content when needed.

Your website is the central hub for your business! It’s usually the first impression that potential clients have from your company, and a bad website reflects poorly on you and the services you provide. Messy, disorganized, or otherwise just sad websites don’t get the traction that they need, not only from your potential customers but from search engines as well. To better enhance your online presence, you need a polished website that’s easy to navigate and packed with relevant information. Even if you need a simple landing page, your website needs to be clean and on-brand to attract the right customers. Our developers are leading experts in the field, ready to beautify your digital world. Working closely with account executives and clients, our web department can bring your dreams of the world wide web to life.

Our web developers and designers combine form and function to produce visually stunning websites that translate across all platforms, from desktop to mobile and everywhere in between. Building a functional website is essential for every business, but the job doesn’t end there. We also provide monthly maintenance and hosting services to eliminate downtime, improve security, and refresh content when needed. By staying current on updates and security measures, you help maintain a good rating with search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Maintaining a positive rating can significantly increase web traffic through search, which means that people are finding you and your business with ease. When Google’s happy, we’re all happy!

Websites have come a long way since the beginning of the internet, and we can do so much more with them than ever before. Our developers use the full-stack, and we’re not talking pancakes! From HTML to CSS, JavaScript, and more, we take a solutions-based approach to create and maintain the right website for your brand. An impactful website can capture customers and directly drive sales, so put the internet to work for you. Whether you just need a landing page or 150 pages, we’ve got the tools and the experience to tackle your biggest web issues. Smoke the competition and kindle your creative side with Burning Stick Creative.

By staying current on updates and security measures, you help maintain a good rating with search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Maintaining a positive rating can significantly increase web traffic through search, which means that people are finding you and your business with ease. When Google’s happy, we’re all happy!

Websites have come a long way since the beginning of the internet, and we can do so much more with them than ever before. Our developers use the full-stack, and we’re not talking pancakes! From HTML to CSS, JavaScript, and more, we take a solutions-based approach to create and maintain the right website for your brand. An impactful website can capture customers and directly drive sales, so put the internet to work for you. Whether you just need a landing page or 150 pages, we’ve got the tools and the experience to tackle your biggest web issues. Smoke the competition and kindle your creative side with Burning Stick Creative.


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Noble Plastics


Project FIT


COL Imaging Solutions



Why is web development so important?
Web development is an essential part of any marketing strategy, and your website significantly affects how your target audience perceives you and your brand. Your website gives one of the first impressions that potential customers receive, and there are specific ways to build it to ensure proper functionality and a positive user experience. It takes skill and vast knowledge of coding and scripting languages that make your favorite app, social media platform, and everything else on the internet come to life! Web developers build and edit, perform routine maintenance, monitor security functions, optimize loading processes, initiate updates, and ensure device compatibility so that every visitor gets the best experience possible on your website.
What is a full stack developer?
The “full-stack” refers to both the front-facing and the back end of your website, and a full-stack developer works on both sides to ensure optimal performance and user experience. A full-stack developer is proficient in writing code that affects both how the client sees your website and how the website functions internally. Some agencies use full-stack developers instead of utilizing both a back-end developer and a front-end developer to streamline the process. It’s also more cost-efficient for clients since the full-stack developer can do the job of two people at the same time without the need for cross-referencing.
What does “open source” mean?
When talking about software, open-source is a type of software that is publicly accessible and can be shared or modified. Open-source projects are community-oriented and can be based in collaboration, so anyone can view, modify, and enhance the product for everyone else. For example, Mozilla Firefox, GIMP Image Editing Software, Python, and Audacity are the most recognizable open-source software that are available. The biggest benefit of using open-source software is affordability, since most open-source software is free for use!
What is the difference between UX and UI?
UI stands for “user interface” and UX stands for “user experience”, and the fact that these terms tend to be used interchangeably doesn’t help the confusion. User interface most often refers to buttons, icons, toggles, and other visual elements that users interact with on a website or application. User experience refers design elements that provide ease of use and pleasure derived from the user’s time spent navigating the website.
What is the difference between a webpage and a website?
A website is a collection of webpages under the umbrella of a unique domain name. Each webpage serves a different function, depending on what the brand is trying to accomplish. For example, most websites have webpages dedicated to the homepage, blog posts, the “About Us” section, contact forms, etc. Some websites even have a customized 404 error page! There are many different webpages you can create to compliment your website, and webpages can always be added or removed in the future.
What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
Every URL begins with either “http” or “https”, even though most browsers don’t require you to manually input them when searching for a website. Essentially, they operate the same way with one glaring difference: security.
HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol, which works on the back end to connect browsers and internet servers with the right website. In the simplest explanation, you click or enter a URL into the URL bar to request a connection, and the browser sends this data to the server which kicks back the webpage to you. The last letter in HTTPS stands for secure, using advanced security features to establish an encrypted connection between the browser and your internet server to protect any data you may enter on the website. Because of this, eventually, HTTP websites will most likely be phased out completely.
What is HTML?

HTML stands for hypertext markup language. It is one of the three scripting languages that developers use to build custom websites, alongside CSS and Javascript. It is the official standard baseline for coding, used for the creation of sections, paragraphs, links, and more. HTML lets developers create the foundation of a webpage, but HTML-only webpages tend to look and feel pretty bland. This type of coding does not allow for dynamic functions or stylized displays, which is why it must be combined with other scripting languages to include different elements. Just because you can create a website in full-HTML doesn’t mean that you should!

Why do websites end in .com?
The .com is one of the oldest and most recognizable domain extensions on the internet! In short, it stands for “commercial” and is the standard designation for all companies and commercial-based websites. There are over 250 different domain extensions available, including .gov for government websites, .org for organizations, .edu for educational institutions, and more!
What is DNS?
DNS, or domain name system, translates domain names to readable IP addresses that allow your internet browser to find and load webpages. A DNS server acts like the phonebook, allowing the browser to link domain names to IP addresses like a phonebook links you to your phone number (or used to… do people still use phone books?). When www.whicheverwebsite.com is entered into the URL bar, the browser fetches the correct webpage to load as provided by the DNS.
What does SMTP mean?
SMTP stands for simple mail transfer protocol. It is an online server application that is used to send, receive, and relay incoming and outgoing emails between email accounts. An SMTP’s main function is to deliver emails from one domain to another via a secure connection. Every email requires an SMTP server to send and receive messages and the function is usually built into the email provider’s application. You can think of the SMTP server as the post office for email, receiving and delivering correspondence from one person to another.
What is CSS?
CSS, or cascading style sheets, is one of the three scripting languages that developers use to build custom websites. It is responsible for presentation and device compatibility, including colors, styling, layouts, spacing, padding, fonts, sizing, etc. CSS works in conjunction with HTML and Javascript to ensure all the code is displayed properly. CSS saves your developer time since this code can be reused across multiple pages – or even the entire website! It requires less code and has superior styling capability, so every page loads faster and looks better than a strictly HTML-based webpage. The multi-device compatibility makes sure that your page looks perfect on every mobile browser, desktop, and tablet.
What is Javascript?
Javascript is code that is used for dynamic or interactive functions on websites, such as animation, online games, applications, clickable buttons, booking systems, pop-ups, etc. It is one of the three scripting languages that developers use to create custom webpages, working in tandem with CSS and HTML to produce movement or initiate functions without the need to refresh the page. It is lightweight, meaning that the code itself doesn’t take up a lot of storage space on the back end of your website and is run by the web browser. It’s an excellent tool that we use to create a website that’s based in positive user experience!
What is a CMS?
CMS stands for “content management system”, which is used to build webpages without the need for handwritten code. The most well-known example of a content management system is WordPress and Wix. Using templates, plug-ins, extensions, and other resources, developers can create all the basic infrastructure and front-end parts with one software system. While it isn’t necessary to know how to code to use a CMS, it is helpful when developing websites with custom features. The system also allows developers to insert their own code for special functions, design elements, and more!
While a CMS may seem like the total package when it comes to website development, the system has its limitations. The need for multiple plug-ins, frequent updates, and compatibility issues can cause slow load times. The SEO capabilities of the CMS may be restricted, which limits your search engine rankings and overall discoverability. CMS-based websites may also be vulnerable to cyber-attacks and spam.


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Vermilionville, a subsidiary of Bayou Vermilion District, is one of the crown jewels of Acadiana. It is iconic, a historical landmark right in our own backyard with tons of educational and recreational activities.


Our Lady
of Lourdes

During height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Our Lady of Lourdes and their parent company Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System, needed to keep physicians connected to patients within their hospital system.



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